
Princess Arabella, our peregrine falcon, gets used to Richard handling her.

Richard and Arabella getting used to each other.

Storm is one of our non-releasable Great Horned Owls. He frequently serves as a foster parent to our orphaned baby Great Horned Owls

Roswell, our Barn Owl, the day he arrived at Utopia. Roswell was born in a zoo in Illinois.

Roswell's all grown up! He helps us do educational programs now.

Barn Owls look like baby pteradactyls, for sure. Who would guess that they could grow up to be such beautiful birds!

Orphaned kestrels before release.

Loki and Odin, two non-releasable eagles, live at Utopia. Loki is 6 years old, and got his white head and tail during the past year. Odin, who is one year old, has a few years before he gets his white feathers and his beak changes color.

Kathy creance flying a Barn Owl. We assess the flight of some of our patients using a long line. This guy had surgery for a broken wing, recovered well, and was released. He is still seen around the farm by the property owners.

Baltar, the leucistic red tail being flight tested. Though he flies to some degree, his defective feathers make flight difficult. He was deemed non-releasable and is now an educational bird.

This Young eagle broke a bone it her wing during one of her first flights out of the nest. She recovered fully, and is now flying free.

Baltar is a leucistic red tailed hawk. He has some pigmentation in his eyes and feathers, but his feathers are substantially abnormal, break easily and are not too waterproof. He stays with us as an educational bird.

Arabella is a retired falconry bird who is now used in our educational programs. She has an awesome personality!

The Barn Owl did great on the creance. This is one of his last sessions before release.